Found Objects: New Music for Reed Trio
by the PEN Trio:
Nora A. Lewis, oboe
Phillip O. Paglialonga, clarinet
Eric Van der Veer Varner, bassoon

5*4*3 (except after C) (2013) by William Bradbury (b. 1956)
1. Freely, Quietly
2. Presto
3. Majestic
4. Suspended, gently
5. Forceful, dynamic

Found Objects: On the Beach (2013) by Jenni Brandon (b. 1977)
6. Tumbled Stones
7. Kelly Green Sea Glass (solo Clarinet)
8. Driftwood
9. Black Feather on the Sand
10. White Sea Glass (solo Oboe)
11. Seashells

12.  Oblique Strategies (2013) by Aleksander Sternfeld-Dunn (b. 1980)
13.  In Threes (2011) by M. Shawn Hundley (b. 1971)

Found Objects: New Music for Reed Trio is now available from TrevCo-Varner Music, Amazon, Apple Music and Spotify